Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

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Isnin, 2 Januari 2012

December activities...

Salam semua...
Walaupun sudah masuk tahun baru 2012, saya baru nak update last entry for 2011..ehehehe...tak kisahle..

Emm, bulan 12 penuh dgn aktiviti makan2 besday & shopping..

1) My besday celebration wif hubby @ Cheng Ho Chinese Islamic Restaurant - just 2 of us spending time during lunch & shopping!!

tomyam seafood, butter squid, lala masak halia & sayur campur..nyum3x...

2) Besday makan2 wif mama & adik2 @ Seoul Garden 1 Utama...

me & mama...

the steambot & grill nyum3x...

my sisters...

3) Besday gift for them...
hehe jamu mak dara for kchik & jam for adik...

4) Shopping @ Ikea...


5) Unexpected gift...

hehe tetibe kena dgr ceramah penyusuan bayi & dpt gift ini @ PPUKM during 1st check-up..

note: closing entry for 2011...hehehehe

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